It's OK to visit the GP...right?

What goes into a decision to access your GP surgery? How ‘easy’ is it for you to decide to make an appointment to see a GP? Most people don’t ponder the decision for long, or think about the pro’s or con’s of getting a physical worry ‘checked out’ (of course actually getting an appointment is another thing!). So why is it that when we consider approaching a medical professional for help or advice with our mental health, we’re often slow to act; reluctant to take that step or weighed down by doubt, stigma or other barriers?

Åse and I are as passionate about our parenting work as we are about mental health and wellbeing - so when I came across this article it really resonated and I wanted to share it:

It’s by Lauren Seager-Smith, CEO of Kidscape

If a child’s mental health has been significantly impacted by cyberbullying what are the immediate steps that parents should take?

Go to your GP. If your child had a broken leg you’d be straight to A&E and mental health is no different. Don’t be embarrassed or scared. Bullying can cause anxiety and depression and the sooner you get help the better. Let your child know that you love them unconditionally and acknowledge how the bullying has made them feel. Be patient and create opportunities to connect – even if they’re quiet and withdrawn they need you more than ever.

Encourage them to break contact with the people that are hurting them and spend time (whether it’s face to face or online) with people that make them feel good about themselves. Gentle exercise each day like going for a walk can really help, and any activity that helps them feel calmer.

Help them think about other people that can be a support and encourage them to share how they’re feeling with these people even if they can’t talk to you. Talk together about what needs to happen for the bullying to stop and whether it is worth approaching their school or college for help. Let them know that this will pass and together you will get through it.


Lauren reinforces that the medical profession is there to support and care for our mental health as much as our physical health - so reach out if you need to and ask for help.

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