To follow up from the blog ‘What is wellbeing in the workplace?’ I thought I’d write about wellbeing at home and what it means.
The days of separating home and work life are gone as far as the wellbeing goes. What goes on at home affects us at work and the other way around. The impact on not only ourselves but our partners, children and others close to us can be immense.
The trick is to learn how to switch off. We have to make an effort to put our phones, tablets and/or laptops away for at least a few hours every evening and be present.
Not only to be present to our families but also ourselves. We tend to forget that we are the most important people in our lives because if we don’t look after ourselves, we can’t be totally there for others either. Think aircrafts and what we are told in case of an emergency: Always put your own mask on before helping anyone else!
Being present means talking to others without looking at a screen, eating together without any other distractions, going for walks and looking at nature, having an evening with friends and laughing together! Laughter is a great medicin!
One of the top health issues now is sleep deprivation. Far too many people don’t sleep the hours needed to function properly.
The increased risks range from the common cold to depression, dementia and a possible stroke or heart attack as well as obesity, cancer and diabetes.
If you get less then seven hours rest a night, the risk of damage to our physical or mental health is even more raised.
Are you looking after yourself? What is missing? What can you do differently?
Have a chat with your partner and/or friends to see what they do that might be of help.
There is a lot of help to get online and some great apps as well. Inform yourself and take action. Only you can make the change.
To quote a well known phone ad: It’s good to talk!!